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Where am I now?

These past two weeks have felt like they have been going on forever, in a refreshing yet stressful kind of way. These past two weeks have certainly refreshed certain concepts in writing that I have forgotten since I have not taken an english class for a while. One assignment that I believe has helped me throughout these first two weeks would be the language and grammar diagnostics in the website McGraw. This assignment was a quiz that was 50 questions long and it dealt with trying to remember certain parts of english that could have been forgotten. This Quiz was primarily a way for students so what they know and don’t know. In doing so it lets students reflect on what they may need help with or what they already understand. What this assignment has done for me is learn what I need help with to become much more confident in my writing like one of the course objectives suggest. This assignment has helped me understand that to become a better writer I need to review what I got wrong in that quiz to better my writing and understanding of this subject. I have learned from this quiz, that when it comes to looking for grammatical errors there are some punctuation marks that I do not fairly use and because of that I forget what errors could occur within a sentence if that punctuation mark were to be used. For example, when it came to finding where a semicolon was supposed to go in a sentence, I struggled a bit because I do not usually use that punctuation mark. I know that is really bad, I'm a college student and I don't even know where a semicolon is supposed to go. This assignment has made it clear to me that if i want to become a better writer I have to “Develop effective habits for your own writing process” and this starts with going back to the early stages of writing and better interpret what I don’t remember. By understanding my mistakes in not remembering where each punctuation goes I have used this to be more thorough in making sure my writing has the least possible errors it could have. I try my best but sometimes any time of error will fly past me because i'm half asleep or I just miss it by reading my writing too fast. When it came to analyzing Jane Kilbourne’s lecture and quoting five important ideas, the quiz really helped me make sure that I was putting the period where it was supposed to be at the end of the quote. For example, when I was time stamping a statistic from the lecture I made sure to put the punctuation mark in the right place, “Jane implicates the idea that Advertising has affected a women’s idea of the perfect body and in doing so there is this high rate of cosmetic procedures occurring to women, “91% of cosmetic procedures are performed on women.” (11:52)”

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