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Podcast Project 

In this website I will be analyzing how I got to creating and producing a microsite and podcast. I will be looking at my pre and post productions of these two things and use images to relay my progression. Not only will I analyze what influenced my podcast and microsite but I will embed the course objectives. 

Pre-Production Phase 

The first image that I chose was from a reading that we had to annotate. This reading was called "What is Toxic Masculinity" written by Maya Salem. When reading this article, the concept of toxic masculinity did interest me. The image that I am showcasing is an exert from this article where Salem talk about the company Gillette directly challenging the concept of Toxic masculinity. The reason why this intrigued me was because as time has passed by, the perception of toxic masculinity has changed. This article made me start establishing what idea I potentially wanted to talk about in my podcast and microsite. The one habit I can connect 


(Week 3, Close Reading: What is Toxic masculinity.)

My next Image is an essay segment that is called "  With Rogue One, Star Wars Goes Full Feminist", written by Megan Garber. The purpose of this image is to indicate the gradual change that Disney films such as Star Wars movies have implemented women too much more important roles within their films. The way this connects with our course objectives is that when coming up with the questions for our podcast, I used this reading as a way to apply these ideas into our segment about Black Widow. 


(Week 4, Close reading: Garber with Rogue one Star Wars goes full feminist)

Lastly the final image is an article that was assigned to me which was called "Masculinity Marvel-Style", written by Matt Cates. The reason why I used this images was because even before reading this article I was interested in talking about toxic masculinity. This article made it possible to connect my interest with this topic and see how it's interpreted in the Marvel films. This led me to be interested in Iron Man because of he was an interpretation of toxic masculinity yet his character slowly develops to be resent these common men values. The objective that I have used in this resource would be using two separate  sources and connecting them together to bring up a common idea.  


(Week 5, Close reading: Cates, Masculinity, Marvel Style)

Production Stage


(Microsite podcast)

The first image that I choose was the podcast microsite title. The reason I choose this was because I was the editor of the microsite. Since I was the editor of the microsite, I learned editing skills that I did not know before. Im not the best with technology in the sense of making a website but by being the editor of this site really helped me how to work the Wix site. 

The second Image that I choose was a segment of my groups podcast. The reason I choose this segment was because I was the host of the podcast. when it comes to being outgoing at times I struggle with that but I was willing to come out of my shell and volunteer for this role. Even though I was nervous that I might stutter or even make a fool of myself, I took this chance to improve on my public speaking. I can further connect my learning experience with the course objective of practicing my communication skills. 


(Podcast Script)

In my third image I choose a small segment of one of the questions that I spoke about in the podcast. This section was about Tony Starks representation of toxic masculinity. When it came to the production of the podcast, the outline that I made for myself to verbally practice my ideas what I was going to say for the podcast. This yet again has helped me with my communication skills as by verbally practicing what I was going to say it made me more confident on the day of recording the podcast. 


Looking Ahead

Learning from my mistakes

In our group theirs was somethings that we did need to fix. When it came to filming the podcast, I feel that as a group we wrote too much information that we were going to talk about. We did talk about all the segments and ideas that we wanted to but the podcast was too long as it came out to 35 minutes long. we did shorten it to 24 minutes but this really thought me that next time if i'm faced with a similar  situation I have to take the most important information and simply talk about that. We did struggle to communicate at times but that was because of technology issues. When looking at this experience, I learned that when it comes to communicating with my group members we have to have more than one method to talk to each-other so that everyone is able to respond to any important information. 


Collaborating Skills

I do believe that my communication skills do need improvement but in this group project I found myself being a leader. Trust me I am not very outspoken at times but because my group members were the same way I choose to come out of my comfort zone and make sure that everyone knew what we were doing in our zoom meeting to trying to ask everyone what they wanted to talk about. I still feel like I do need a lot of improvement in my communication skills but I learned that I can do what is needed to communicate with my team members. This Project has really given me more confidence of my communication skills but I as well know that this is only the beginning. I have learned a lot from this project but one thing I can take with me is the confidence that I am able to step up when I have to not only for me but for any group member. I understand that talking to people who are practically strangers can be difficult, I struggle with that too at times. 

Process of Podcast

When creating the microsite, I learned that it is difficult to create a website that has to be themed for a podcast. Even though it was difficult, it is manageable. Creating the microsite thought me how to improve my technology skills. Even though we live in an era where technology has been apart of my life, I always did struggle with understanding how to navigate websites like Wix. In becoming the editor of the microsite it thought me to be patient when Im not sure how to edit something like the background. The topics that we did talk about in this podcast is going to be used in my essay. Being more specific, I will be talking about Iron Man in my essay so I will be using the segment about this character to further my ideas. In my essay I will be talking about how Disney has used the Marvel superhero Tony Stark to be prevalent with the consistent change of cultural societal norms. 

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