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Final Reflection Blog

Transformative Learning:

As a result of this class I have learned many things that have changed my perspective of writing and Disney itself. My first transformative look at something is how I used to look at the cooperation of Disney. Even though I did acknowledge that Disney has a big influence within our society, this class furthered this idea by looking at these movies in the lense of social values and gender roles. By close reading the articles that were assigned to me made me realize that Disney isn’t just a kid friendly company but they have in the past indirectly imposed certain gender norms. As an adult we don’t really notice how companies like Disney can have a positive or negative influence on the values of small kids because I personally grew up watching these movies. When someone contributes good memories with a company like Disney they seem to forget the big influence that Disney can have on their children. This class has transformed how I view Disney in the sense that I see that they are much more influential than I ever though and with this power, as adults we have to recognize these social values and gender roles passed on to our future generations and call it out so that influential companies understand they won't get away with teaching social values that are wrong.

Another perspective that has transformed throughout this class would be my communication skills. The reason I say this is because I am a person who is shy at times when it comes to talking or meeting new people. In this course I made it a personal goal, which was to make sure that when we were building up to our podcast that I wouldn’t let my own shyness get in the way of communicating with my teammates. I think that by having this goal it made me realize that I could accomplish this. That class assignment made me realize that I could come out of this bubble and be comfortable talking to people I may not know. Not only was I able to come out of my bubble but I took a leadership role that yet again made it possible for me to work on my communications skills. This assignment made me feel confident and comfortable talking to others but it as well taught me that by doing this it made it possible for my team to work thoroughly. Looking back to this class I will remember the found memories that I made with my teammates but I will use this as a confidence booster next time I am in a similar situation.

Taking Stock:

One issue that I had in this class was time management. The reason why I struggled with time management was because like many college students I had to juggle a job and my academic classes.In the beginning of this quarter I did a good job in managing my time but as the quarter progressed and I had more assignment to deal with and the consistent studying I felt like I didn’t have enough time to do anything at times. In that sense, I would try my best to start the assignment a day or two before the due date but at times I was not able to do so. I feel like the content of my work was clearly affected by this. The way I can work on this problem is by interpreting that time I have and schedule my day so that I do not fall behind and do assignments last minute. There are many things that could help manage my time but this class has helped me understand that starting an assignment a few days before it’s due goes a long way in turning great work.

This class made me understand that there is an issue I need to work on and that is my writing. What I mean by this is that my writing isn't perfect and there are flaws but by understanding that I can improve on this issue. By taking the McGraw test, this made me realize that there are some things about writing that I have forgotten such as punctuation or grammar that I should be able to improve on. Even though I do struggle to know everything about writing I do feel that this class brought up the idea that I need this skill needs to be worked upon. My plan to improve my writing skills is by using other resources such as books that will help me improve my writing. Since I will be taking other writing classes as well I use these classes to help me better improve my writing like I did with this class.

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Chris Hu
Chris Hu
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Emmanuel,

Thank you for that great review of my introduction paragraph. You review helps me a lot. You point out something I completely forgot to notice at first, and I could modify them during revision. Also, I have same problems with you. It is so hard to me to schedule the time when there is 16 hours time difference between China and the U.S., My solution is begin at the start of the week so I could spread my homework in pieces thoughout the weeks. Good luck in Writing 39B.


Ray Khan
Ray Khan
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Emmanuel! It’s quite interesting to see Disney’s influence on our society. I wasn’t really aware of how powerful the corporation actually is, and how it shapes our understanding of social constructions. Even though we didn’t formally meet or talk, I got to read and review some of your responses and you’re a great writer. I hope we have Writing 39B or 39C together. Keep up the good work!


Chengheng Lyu
Chengheng Lyu
Mar 14, 2021

Hi, I can learn many things from your. I also think creating a podcast is really hard. However, we can all learn lots of things from it. I think checking your own article is the hardest part for us to do. However, after we finished it, we will be improved a lot. Hoep you can do well in your future classes. Goodbye!

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