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My Three sources

Iron Man- Character Retrospective


This source is about a Marvel Character named Iron Man and it is a podcast. In this podcast, it revolves around the character Iron Man. The people in the podcast ask various questions about Tony Stark, for example, “What was your favorite scene with Iron man? What were his flaws? How did he change throughout the MCU?” With these questions they really delved into his character development throughout the MCU. This podcast seemed to be more of a fan based description of Tony Stark. Not only do they talk about their favorite moments with this character but they go further by explaining that Tony stark is this arrogant, selfish and at times childish man because of his issues with his dad. This stemming problem alters and shapes who Tony Stark is in the beginning of his films as he turns to alcoholism and women to “resolve” this pain that he is not letting out. This podcast was a general way of showcasing what these members thought about Iron Man but as well acknowledge what may have needed more context. I will be using this podcast to reference back to some of the ideas that I thought go really well in explaining how Disney films contribute to our social values. I understand that Tony life has been influenced by his dark past and in knowing this, it has led to him showing certain characteristics of Toxic masculinity. Over time Tony becomes a father figure to Spiderman, that can be seen as one of the many changes and character development that Tony undergoes throughout the years. One of the podcast members goes further to explain this idea by saying that “Tony regrets how he was not there for his father when he died, but when Iron man died, he had a son figure holding his hand” (19:43). This quote does a really good job to showcase that Tony, a man who struggled to let people in his life, has in the end made many friendships and even so become a father figure to Spiderman. This podcast will further the idea of Tony Stark's development throughout the MCU and prove that Disney has provided a positive message about social construct in our society.

Iron Man character development in the MCU: The man willing to lay down his life


This source is an article about the character development of Iron Man in the MCU. The purpose of this article is to show a rundown of every movie that Tony Stark has been in and showcase how he has developed throughout the years in the Marvel Universe. It starts off by explaining how Tony in the beginning of his arc, he was a man that indulged in his riches without a care in the world. This paints a picture of who Iron man is by the way he acted. In the beginning of his arc Tony is a character that uses alcohol, women and his riches to conceal his true issues and in doing he has trust issues as well. Later on in the MCU Iron man seems to start to change into a much more responsible character that takes his own life to save the ones he loves, something he would not have done in the beginning of his storyline. When it comes to this source i am going to use this as context to explain how Iron man has changed throughout the films that we choose to be in our podcast but as well give a bit of background to where and how this development happened in other films. For example after the Avengers:Civil War this article makes a good point that this is the movie where “Tony had a lot more depth to him as a character. His decisions are more responsibly driven.” This idea insisted that Civil War was an event in Tony’s character that made him realize and change his ways of viewing his life. I will be using this to portray the way Iron Man has developed throughout the MCU but as well to showcase how Iron man is a symbol of how a man changes his ways to become better than he used to be.

Masculinity, Marvel Style


This source in an article by Matt Gates that was given to us as a part of a homework assignment. This article gives a brief explanation of what exactly toxic masculinity is and further connects this idea with male Marvel characters. He uses the Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk and Stan Lee to portray the different male characters with the MCU and what type of masculinity they represent. This article does a really good job in showcasing the development of each character but it goes further to connect male masculinity with these characters as well. Since my group is going to talk about Iron Man, this article is going to help me in understanding him more as a character than I used to before. This character development in the spectrum of male masculinity is going to help me interpret how Tony Stark went from representing toxic masculinity to developing into a well rounded man who has overcome the challenges that made him who he was before. I can use this article to explain the relationship that Iron man has with his wife Pepper Potts. This article further shows that Tony Stark, “slowly shifts towards a monogamous relationship” by letting himself be closer to other people such as his wife. He used to be a man who slept with many women but now he is able to break away from his flaws and create a relationship with Pepper Potts.

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