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Week 2 extra credit blog

“Reflection of my first week”

The name of the person who wrote this blog is Shenglin Ye, who has currently changed her major to biological science. In her blog, she primarily talks about herself and talks about her previous english class, which it was called Academic English 20c and she took it in spring of 2020. She further talks about her time in the class by talking about how in that class she struggles to meet the minimum word requirement because the topic of that class did not appeal to her that much. At the end of her blog she talks about her score on the Language and grammar quiz, in which she got a 94 on it. When I commented in her first week blog, I related to her struggles in trying to meet a certain word requirement for assignment because sometimes I've had that problem myself, where I just can't seem to write anymore.


“Week 1: Self Reflection”

The person who wrote this blog is named Yajaira Cervantes who is a second year biological science major at UCI. In her blog she talks about how she has not taken an english class in over two years and explains that one thing she does struggle with is understanding an author's central message in their writing. In the language and grammar quiz, she reflects on her score by implying that she did not score so well but she is going to review what she did not do right to better her writing. When I commented on Yajaira’s blog, I told her that she wasn’t the only one who has not taken an english class in two years and because of that I have forgotten many things when it came to the language and grammar quiz.


“First Blog”

The person who wrote this blog is named Xinyu Wang and he is a foreign student from China. In his blog, Xinyu talks about how he had to move back to China because of the pandemic. The last english class that he took was AE 20C in which he took it last quarter. The thing he struggled with in his previous english class was the drawback of learning through virtual classes. Since he was not in the same time zone, it was very difficult for him to develop his writing skills. When it came to the Language and grammar quiz, Xinyu had a difficult time in understanding certain content but after reading the content again and again he overcame this problem. When I commented on Xinyu's blog, I related to him about how learning through virtual learning has been difficult but over time it is possible to overcome this obstacle of not being motivated to do what is needed to do good in any class, certainly I have had the same problem.


“Reflect on the past two weeks”

The person who wrote this blog is named Kai Wen. Kai reflects on his past two weeks by expressing that the assignment “Me in six words” was interesting because it made him think about truly what six words described him but as this was a good assignment to get to know each other. Another assignment that he found interesting would be watching and annotating the video “Killing us softly 4”, because it surprised him that ads have a big influence on women. When I commented on his blog I wrote that the assignment “Me in six words” was an amazing way to get to know one another at a time when we cannot personally meet one another.


“First steps into 39A”

The person who wrote this blog is named Jenny Kim and she is a first year education science major at UCI. Jenny wrote in her blog about a personal experience she had in her last english class. She explains that her strength in writing would be being able to organize her essays in a clear format and weakness is analyzing texts. When I commented on her blog I wrote that I myself struggle with analyzing text and being able to interpret the meaning of the text. I further went on to say that these blogs are an amazing way to interact with one another as expressed in her blog.


“My first blog entry”

The person who wrote this blog entry is named Warren Ma, who is a second year computer science major at UCI. The previous class that this person took was English 20C in which he learned how to properly annotate and paraphrase. He further goes on to say that he did not do so well on the language and grammar quiz as he had a hard part in the subject-verb questions. When I commented on his blog I told him that I did not do so well in the quiz as well but this is a learning experience that will make us better writers in the future.

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