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Habits of Mind


As a person who has struggled with writing, I have always thought that my writing is not at the level it’s supposed to be. Even though I was nervous about taking this class because of the previous english classes that I have taken over high school. I did not let this emotion get in the way of taking this class and because of that I have so far adored topics that I have been taught over this class. As I started reading the syllabus of this class, my own curiosity was in motion as I found out that the class was about Disney and Gender. I can say that even before starting this quarter, I already was interested in looking at Disney films in another perspective that I have not done before. My desire to want to know more about the theme of this class has made it more enjoyable for me to learn and improve my writing while at the same time.



This class as a whole has this habit plastered in it. Now why do I say this? Well look at the theme of this course, Disney and gender, as a young adult, I have not considered the idea that Disney has an enormous amount of influence on children. The assignment that has furthered this habit of openness would be the weekly three expository writing. When watching this film I never analyzed it as I did this time I watched it. This opened my mind to looking at the Beauty and the Beast in a different perspective. The Idea that an iconic fairy tale like this one can have much more meaning is surprising but it is amazing to know this perspective.



The idea of engagement is to be invested in your learning and thus be interested in what you are doing. Even before starting this class, the theme had me engaged and ready to learn. One assignment that made the whole puzzle piece fit together would be the language and grammar quiz. Even though I did not do so well in this quiz, the idea of improvement made me want to invest more in this class because I knew that if I put in the work not only will that benefit my writing skills but I would also find interest in it. It is always better to look at the bright side of things when you can and this assignment was one of them because I know I can do better but only if I invest time and effort into this class.



The habit of being creative is of big importance in this class because one’s writing can become a masterpiece. What I mean by this is that, writing is a way to express one’s thoughts on a piece of paper and in relaying these ideas the creativity in a person is what can make a piece of writing interesting, helpful and enjoyable to read. When it comes to me I feel like the week 2 expository writing made me have to interpret certain ideas from an essay and a filmed lecture in a creative way. By having to write two paragraphs for each assigned resource, it made me have to look for two different themes that these resources were trying to point out.



This is one habit that I do need to work on, not only because of this class but because sometimes I will stop sustaining any interest from my homework assignment. I usually get distracted very easily when I do my homework so sometimes it is very hard to stay in one place. When it comes to this habit I need to start by setting a certain time period so that I do as much as I can at that time and after I can take a short break to release any stress that may be building up. When setting these times, I feel like this would help me make sure that I keep myself focused on the task at hand. In doing so, I feel like I could get much done in an officiant way.



This ability to adapt to certain situations can be very hard to practice. I have had a hard time being able to manage my time as a certain way to adapt in being a college student and working a part time job. Even though I did a good job my first quarter of this school year, I feel that this class will ensure that I work on my time management because I know that assignments will be due every week and without my ability to adapt to certain weeks I will not be able to accomplish my goals for this class.



Responsibility is a habit that I do hold very dear to me and the reason why is because one’s ownership of their mistakes is what makes a person better than they used to be. I understand that if I do make any actions that are unacceptable that I will take ownership of my mistakes. I feel like in every assignment that I not only turn in this class but all my classes, I have a responsibility to make sure that I do every assignment like I'm supposed to but as well make sure that I do not plagiarize in any sort of way.



This habit has one reflection on oneself and to me that is a good way to understand what needs to be fixed to improve myself. When it comes to this class I feel like every assignment has helped me to reflect on the ideas that I may know and the one I may not. It’s always hard to interpret what you did wrong because you really do not want to believe that there is something that you did wrong. This class had made me realize that there are many things that I did not know and in acknowledging that I became a better learner because I am opening my mind to understand more than what I did know.

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Feb 01, 2021

Hi Emmanuel, it is very interesting to read about the ways you use these habits in our class. I can relate to your first habit in which you explain that you struggle with writing because I, too, struggle so taking this class made me a bit nervous. But it is great that you pushed that emotion aside because it allowed you to have an open mind in the class and as you said, adore the topics you have learned about. -Leslie Carrillo

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